Member-only story
The Most Comprehensive List of Storytelling Resources for Writers, Marketers and Business Owners
There are hundreds of frameworks and principles and suggestions for telling stories in your business, but in my experience, storytelling is more of a mindset or an approach than a sweet little set of rules. It’s continually asking yourself, is this the most interesting way that I can say this?
Developing this mindset takes time, effort, and a certain amount of knowledge. (And knowledge, it turns out, is all around us.) Don’t know where to start? Start here.
Storytelling for business and marketing
Building a Storybrand, by Donald Miller
If you don’t read any of the others, read this one. Miller’s 7-part framework will completely change the way you approach your company’s communications, and help you prioritise your customer’s story over your own.
Storynomics, by Robert McKee
Robert McKee is probably the world’s #1 expert on screenwriting and storytelling, and this book is written specifically for a business audience, in partnership with digital marketing expert Tom Gerace. In a world where most advertising is nonsense noise, the strategies and case studies in Storynomics are a game-changer for any company’s marketing…