The One Thing You Should Do Before Everything Else

Amelia Zimmerman
2 min readNov 22, 2021
Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

There are a thousand things to do, to think about, to plan.

None of them will turn out right unless you prioritise sleep first.

Lack of sleep leads to high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, and stroke.

It destroys your mood, your concentration, your motivation, your memory.

You know this, but it bears repeating.

It’s become popular to talk about finding the 20% that does 80% of the work — the simple tweaks that create radical change.

In life, sleep belongs to the 20%.

We are constantly looking for life hacks and formulas and a secrets to improving, but we have a very simple and unglamorous one at our fingertips.

If you’re not feeling right, there’s a good chance your sleep could be better.

To really change the course and outcomes of your day, your week — even your year — get some sleep.

This is a post from my free newsletter, The First Thing. Get daily inspiration in your inbox every morning by signing up here. 🌤



Amelia Zimmerman
Amelia Zimmerman

Written by Amelia Zimmerman

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